Friday, 9 October 2009

some things remembered...

One thing I realized I haven't discussed yet is the fact that the majority of the locks are backwards.  "Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty" does not work, and "Lefty Tighty, Righty Loosey" just doesn't have the same ring to it...

But a couple of things I remembered from yesterday...

So I signed up for a gym membership at our local gym on Thursday morning (and when I say it's just up the road, I mean  it's just UP the road.  It's about a 30 degree incline the entire way there, so biking to the gym each day gives me a workout in itself!) and when you become a new member you must take a "tour" of the gym.  Essentially, I think they want to be sure you know where all of the fire exits are as well as the fact that there is a lifesaver (the floatie rings) on the wall next to the pool that is only 4 feet deep.  The 6 year veteran lifeguard in me appreciated that our tour guide added the fact that you should probably tell whoever is allegedly drowning in the pool to just stand up first before you try throwing the ring at them!!  Anyway, at the end of it our tour guide asked me where exactly in the States I was from.  I said Chicago (sorry to all of my Quad Cities people, but a lot of people here don't even know where Illinois is, but know Chicago.  Failing to realize Chicago is IN Illinois, so there is no hope for the good ol' QCA) and he asked me if I had ever lived anywhere else in the world for a period of time because my accent sounded different.  I said no, so then he added that I must already be picking up the Geordie twang!  Yikes!

On the same linguistic line... later on Thursday, during my woodworking session at Kids Kabin (which was woodwork/gardening since we were rebuilding the planters for our garden), I accidentally said tomato the British way, as in with a soft a.  Like the a sound in awkward.  Tomaaaaaato.  I then stopped in the middle of my sentence.  :-p

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